Pocket Zman
To run it on Pocket PC you will need to have JVM (Java Virtual Machine). At the time of creating this program (1999) I had an IPAQ 3350 (RIP: 2002). JVM didn't come with it so I downloaded a beta version of JVM called Pocket Java from Sun Early Access web site (I don't believe it was ever released publicly.) As of current state of JVM for Pocket PC I have no idea, I get email from time to time asking for help to get it working on Pocket PC, but, unfortunately, I don't own Pocket PC device any more (I have Sony Ericsson P800 Symbian OS Smart Phone and it handles my organizer needs more then it handles my cell phone needs, what a shame! Suprisingly, I never ported Pocket Zman to Symbian OS which comes with JVM installed.) Be as it may, I have now idea how to run Java on Pocket PC nowadays. If you got Pocket Zman working with modern version of Pocket PC, let me know how you did it, so i will update this page and make it a little more useful.
And to add this on a good note. Pocket Zman can be used as an applet on any web site and works with all (major) browsers that have JVM support (MS Explorer/NS Navigator/Mozilla/Opera/Etc.) If you want to change default location you have to edit zman.properties that is inside zman.jar archive (use can use winzip to unzip/rezip it). You will need to change ; HOME CITY=Manhattan, NY, USA to any location that is listed there, or you can add your own.
Pocket Zman also runs as an application on Windows/Mac/Linux Systems just doable click on zman.jar icon and it will start. Then you can use build in interface to add/update locations and set home location.
If you still have questions, feel free to email me. Also, if you just happened to use it, drop me a note so i will know that there are people using it.
DISCLAIMER: Times should be with in 2 minutes of accuracy, but in polar regions it is less accurate. You have been warned.