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Pocket Zman (Personal) Java/AWT (Application/Applet)
Pocket Zman is Java inplementnation of Luach Zmanim -- Jewish Religeous Times. It calculates the time for most Jewish rituals all of which are locked to the sunrise/set times of a given location.It was writen for Personal Java VM and Pocket PC screen size. (I needed something like this but all i found was Palm Luach and nothing for PocketPC.) I also runs as a applet.
          KNOWN BUGS: Elevation is not inplemented. Some timezones can be off.
          FIXES: Figure out the formula for elevation.

JTalk Java/Swing (Application)
It was originally made to be a simple talk client/server application -- a clone of UNIX (original BSD) talk. But now it has a nice answer machine and a powerful address book/screening service, a lot of options! And a fortune add-on, for the times you get really bored. Check it out has a nice GUI with images and stuff and tell me what you think about it
          KNOWN BUGS: Lots.
          FIXES: Hey, this is only a beta version.

College -- Programs I wrote in good old days of my college career.

Polygon Curve Java (Applet)
Applet that allows you to draw a polygon with unlimited number of edges and calculates the area if it is not selfintersecting. Also the applet can determent is the polygon is concave or convex. For fun I added a undo -- right click, that removes (LIFO) edges from the screen.
          KNOWN BUGS: Flickers (the more edges you have have the more flicker you will get).
          FIXES: Use double buffering.

Calculator Java (Applet)
Much to often given assignment to right a prefix/postfix calculator
          KNOWN BUGS: None.
          FIXES: None.

AVL Tree Java (Applet)
Java Application that constructs an AVL Tree. You can insert a note or delete one while keeping AVL Tree format. One of those have to do projects
          KNOWN BUGS: When a alphanumeric node is entered after a numeric one the list is reset.
          FIXES:  Too lazy to fix that.

Huffman Compressor Java (Aplication)
Uses the famous Huffman algorithm to compress/decompress files. Has a status bar (for creating the Huffman tree and for compressing/decompressing file). You also can change the buffer size, after careful examination I found out that the bigger (up to some point) the buffer the faster it works, isn't it stange?! :)
          KNOWN BUGS: Not as good as zip or rar compression.
          FIXES:  Tough luck!

YUCS Related

DynDNS Java (Aplication)
This is a Java application can add/remove user form YUCS dynamic DNS server (you have to be a YUCS member to use this service). This application is quite useful when you place it in NetDetect Agent from ICQ or some similar program that runs programs upon detecting connection to the Internet.
          KNOWN BUGS: Too slow!
          FIXES:  Get multiple T3, that should solve the ploblem.


LED Java (Applet)
My roommate -- Ben wanted to create a LED applet. I was kind of tying to out smart him, with my own applet until I (and he) got bored with it. Some part of this program is not totally finished but it works. I even played around with JavaScript calling Java function to interact with applet from HTML, kind of neat (doesn't work the same with every browser).
          KNOWN BUGS: Rendering bug, due to my compression (each square is drawn as a 1x1 pixel image to the buffer than the buffer is stretched to fit the given area.
          FIXES: Rewrite rendering engine(?).

Chat Java (Applet)
This was developed with conjunction with my roommate. This is a simple chat applet and server application. Also wasn't completely finished and polished. It doesn't have projected kick feature that would have been useful if someone would have been abusing server -- like it ever happened. It does have some useful (like this is the work to use) functions, like float/dock that breaks the chat applet of a browser screen and lets it float around desktop, however, it will close if the browser window is closed :(.
          KNOWN BUGS: Root (moderator) functionality wasn't fully implemented.
          FIXES:  Add a function or two.

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